Bolted Joint Integrity
TFE Projects’ team of ASME PCC-1 certified and experienced service specialists offer leak-free bolting solutions with paramount focus on safety and competency, with constant vigilance given to the local environment.
Team TFE Projects make use of innovative, purpose designed equipment to ensure that all bolting solutions are carried out safely and efficiently – the first time. Our ASME certified solutions crew will ensure that correct bolt loads are applied, achieved, recorded and documented – every time. We pride ourselves in providing a complete leak free joint solution to any bolting applications.
Team TFE Projects offers quality precision Hydraulic Torque, Pneumatic Torque, Electric and Electronic Torque, Hydraulic Tensioning and Bolting Solutions Project Management across a variety of industries, including: Mining, Wind Power Generation, Nuclear Power Generation, Coal Power Generation, Pulp and Paper Process Mills, Sugar Mills and Alcohol Plants, Ship and Offshore Maintenance and Building, Oil and Gas; Upstream and Downstream Operations – Topside and Subsea.
For absolute joint verification, Team TFE Projects offers Ultrasonic Bolt Load Management. Achieving the correct load in a bolt or stud is a more complex science than it may first appear. Variables such as friction, temperature and machining tolerance can all dramatically affect the residual load in a bolt after force (Torque or Tension) has been applied. In many critical applications, confirmation and auditability of the residual load is a necessity. Team TFE Projects’ Ultrasonic Bolt Load Measurement service provides assurance for all critical applications and integrity verification over time.
Contact Team TFE Projects today for your custom Bolted Joint Solution.